A story about water. How Important is it?

… To all who are thirsty I will give freely from the springs of the water of life.
Problem – Palestinians in Gaza remember a time when almost everyone could drink clean water from the tap.
Clean, accessible water is critical to human health, a healthy environment, poverty reduction, a sustainable economy, and peace and security.
Only five percent of Gaza’s water supply comes from Israel. Gaza’s coastal aquifer is the primary water source. But over-extraction is rapidly depleting it because people have no other choice. Worse, pollution and an influx of seawater mean that only four percent of the aquifer water is fit to drink.
Challenge – Access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation facilities is a basic human right, but just one in ten people have direct access to safe water in the Gaza Strip. Some 1.8 million people require some form of humanitarian Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) assistance, of which children comprise some 52 percent. (source: Unicef)
Meeting the Challenge – Back in the year 2014, our founder, Tass Saada, had a vision to drill a water well in Gaza. Most wells result in polluted water, so finding a fresh water well is miraculous.
The well not only produces enough water to sell commercially, but it helps improve the lives of the local residents by providing them a regular supply of free water.

From Our Founder, Tass Saada
Thank you for visiting our website. From the time I was born, I was taught to hate the Jews because my family left Jaffa when the State of Israel began. We were told by the Arab leaders that the Jews would soon be driven out and we could then return to our homes. Obviously, this never happened.
Today, instead of hating the Jews, my heart has been transformed to love the Jewish people. The story of how this happened is best told in my book, “Once an Arafat Man”.
For the last twenty years, I have been involved in the Middle East and internationally to promote and encourage peace between the Palestinians and Israelis. There are some on both sides of the conflict who oppose peace because the conflict allows them to gain power, wealth and prestige.
The Palestinian and Israeli communities are in the crossfire and the ones who suffer the most are the poor and needy. When people lose hope, they become desperate like me when I was a young man. It is easy to see how becoming a terrorist seems like the best solution. I explain this in my book, “The Mind of Terror”.
Our goal is to help break this cycle by providing education and economic opportunities to those most at risk.
In taking on such a big task you may ask, “Where do you begin?” The answer is, “We already have and we are making a difference.” You may also ask, “Will my support and involvement make an impact?” Believe me, any help coming from a thankful heart will make a difference. I have seen this in my own life, time and time again.
Will you join us?